الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «مستخدم:Mohanad/QuickEdit.js»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
سطر 142:
"hookaborted": "Your edit was rejected by the hook(s)",
"parseerror": "Failed to parse the wikitext of this page",
"summaryrequired": "Summaryلم requiredتكتب ملخصا",
"blocked": "You have been already BLOCKED",
"ratelimited": "You've exceeded your rate limit. Please have a tea and try again later",
سطر 160:
"need_init": "WikiPlus haven't been loaded completely. It's a rare occasion so you can try to refresh and try again.",
"fail_to_get_wikitext": "Failed to load the wikitext of this page",
"quickedit_topbtn": "QuickEditتحرير سريع",
"quickedit_sectionbtn": "QuickEditتحرير سريع",
"fail_to_init_quickedit": "Failed to initialize WikiPlus",
"back": "Backرجوع",
"goto_editbox": "Goانتقل toلصندوق editboxالكتابة",
"summary_placehold": "Summaryالملخص",
"submit": "Submitاحفظ",
"publish_page": "احفظ الصفحة",
"publish_change": "احفظ التعديل",
سطر 203:
"create_page_tip": "<!-- You are now creating a new page. Please delete this line and be careful. -->",
"continue": "كمل",
"default_summary_suffix": "QuickEditتحرير سريع"